Videos / Photos

The project “The transfer and presentation of the traditions and skills of fishing in Carnikava to society with the help of video” was implemented from April 2018 to April 2019. It was co-funded by the Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation (VKKF), which allocated a sum of €1500. During the course of the project a number of clips were created, in which the local fishermen and lamprey cooks of Carnikava shared their skills and experience in catching and processing lamprey.

The videos are currently available only in Latvian with Latvian subtitles.


1. Winter lamprey fishing

2. Combining fishing nets and trap nets

3. Preparing the traditional Carnikava lamprey

4. Preparing lamprey creels (fish-baskets) for the winter

5. Fisherman's knots

6. Fixing fish nets

7. Catching lampreys with creels

8. "Lampreys are coming!" [AR video app]


The State Culture Capital Foundation